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You are here: Building Insulation - Roofing - Bitumenous Membrane with slate chips finish

Technical Specifications

  • Prepare installation procedure
  • Screen or vapour barrier
  • Lay down STIFERITE’S Class B panel
    (alternative: STIFERITE’S Class S)
  • Lay down two layers of mantle s, the first  made-up of a bituminous plastomeric polymer 4mm thick, reinforced in TNT with stabilized continuous string polyester. The second layer of bituminous waterproofing with Slate Chips and polyester fibre reinforcement, maximum weight ≥ 4 kg/m². 
Instructions and Guidelines
The Slate Chips’ layer protects the waterproofing mantle from weather conditions and reduces the maintenance schedule to a minimum.
Always use high quality products and aim for a perfect installation of the entire “package”.
The complementary products are indicated only as a good level of quality standard.

The installation can be made in several methods: Using adhesives or single-component polyurethane foam in a can, panels laid over a continuous and uniform coating of hot bitumen,  laid on to a torched liquefied bitumen vapour barrier, or mechanically fixed with anchors.

Also see: the installation procedure

The tables indicate the suggested thickness of Stiferite’s panels based on

  • Climate Zones
  • Current legislative set limits of thermal transmittance
  • And the following composition of the structure:

Suggested thickness
STIFERITE's Class B or Class S

DLgs 311/06

TAX deduction MD 65%
DM 26/10/2010

A 60 mm 70 mm
B 60 mm 70 mm
C 60 mm 70 mm
D 70 mm 90 mm
E 80 mm 90 mm
F 80 mm 100 mm

Note: For different composition of structures or material, we suggest using the calculation program available online (see: Thermal transmittance and verifications of condensation with Glaser method)



Tie point of wall and flat roof Slab