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You are here: Building Insulation - Roofing - With security waterproofing membrane

Technical Specifications

  • Positioning of the edge stop beam
  • Fixing of the gutter
  • Torch down a vapour barrier to the roof top made of  bitumen membrane of at least 3mm thick
  • Again using a hot torch, immediately lay down STIFERITE’s Class B panels on the top surface of the previous membrane
    (alternative: STIFERITE’s Class SSTIFERITE's GT3 – GT4 – GT5)
  • Torch down  of bitumen membrane with slate chips finish of 4,5 kg/m2 to the top surface of  Class B panel
  • Followed by the installation of the first rows, or as many as necessary (depending on the amount of pitch and wind conditions), of tiles using polyurethane foam

Instructions and Guidelines
The waterproofing membranes protects the roof prior to the installation of the tiles and in case of accidental brakes, it assures the necessary waterproofing.
The use of the vapour barrier is indispensable for the correct functionality of the system.

Also see: the installation procedure

The tables indicate the suggested thickness of Stiferite’s panels based on

  • Climate Zones
  • Current legislative set limits of thermal transmittance
  • And the following composition of the structure:


Suggested thickness

DLgs 311/06

TAX deduction MD 65%
DM 26/10/2010

A 60 mm 80 mm
B 60 mm 80 mm
C 60 mm 80 mm
D 80 mm 90 mm
E 80 mm 100 mm
F 80 mm 100 mm


Suggested thickness

DLgs 311/06

TAX deduction MD 65%
DM 26/10/2010

A 50 mm 60 mm
B 50 mm 60 mm
C 50 mm 60 mm
D 60 mm 80 mm
E 70 mm 90 mm
F 70 mm 90 mm

Note: For different composition of structures or material, we suggest using the calculation program available online (see: Thermal transmittance and verifications of condensation with Glaser method)



Tie point of Wall and Roof made of cement