Location: Marghera Venezia
Gruppo Còrio
Designer Concept:
Design International - Londra;
Principal Architect & CEO - Arch. Davide Padoa
Tecnostudio srl- Mestrino (PD)
Arch. Mattia Rostello - Tecnostudio srl
Installation Company:
Moretti Contract Spa - Brescia
Superficie e volume edificato:
oltre 55.000 m2 - oltre 500.000 m3
Thermal insulation 80.000 m2
Stiferite Class SH thick 100 e 60 mm
Stiferite Class BH thick 80 mm
Location : Anguillara Sabazia (RM), Italy
Architect Designer, plant director:
Arch. Loreno Argenti – Roma, Italy
Building Contractor:
Di Manno Marco Edilizia Artigiana - Lenola (LT), Italy
Wall insulation: STIFERITE GT 12 cm - sqm 1.100
Floor Insulation: STIFERITE GTE 6 cm and 8 cm thick- sqm 200
Roof insulation: STIFERITE Isoventilato 10 cm thick- sqm 200
Energy Class: A+
Certification ClimaCasa: The building received the certificate from CasaClima by qualifying in the GOLD class of CasaClima certification with a thermal index of 6 kWh/sqm a reference to a province of Rome, Italy. It is the first building in the region of Lazio to receive this prestigious recognition of GOLD class, and the second in center/south Italy.
Location : Grisignano di Zocco (PD), Italy
Designer and Director:
Geom. Andrea Dal Ponte - Grisignano di Zocco (PD), Italy
Building Contractor:
Vanzano Dino Srl Unipersonale - S. Pietro in Gù (PD), Italy
Roof insulation: Stiferite Isoventilato - 120 mm thick, panels have two OSB3 laths incorporated in the foam that allow the anchoring of photovoltaic panels.
Surface of roof: 1.200 sqm
ETICSystem: Stiferite Class SK – 80 mm thick, façade surface 1.000 sqm
ocalità: Grisignano di Zocco (PD)
Location: Quartiere Prati – Roma, Italy
C D C Cooperativa di costruzioni – Modena, Italy
Eng. Ferdinando Fonti - Direzione Lavori Provveditorato OOPP
Construction site Supervisor:
Geom. Roberto Dreussi (CDC - Modena), Italy
Plant designer:
Eng. Vincenzo Bonanni - Roma, Italy
Installer of thermal insulation:
D.E.A. Costruzioni Srl - Veroli (FR), Italy
Ing. Ferdinando Fonti – Direzione Lavori Provveditorato OOPP
Insulation system: STIFERITE RP1 : 70 mm of STIFERITE GT panel + 13 mm of plasterboard
Total square meters: 15.000

Location : Torino, Italy
Condominio Via Ventimiglia 228 – Torino, Italy
Arch. Lorenzo Florio (TO), Italy
Nuova Franco Allais snc - Pianezza (TO), Italy
ETICSystem: Stiferite Class SK 80 mm thick
Roof insulation: Stiferite Isoventilato ocalità: Torino
Location : Conegliano (TV), Italy
Eng. Graziano Rossetto - Conegliano – TV, Italy
Energy considerations:
Per. Ind. Remo Zandonella
Installer of ETICSystem:
Car Edil di Carraro Ferdinando - Quero – BL, Italy
Insulation of walls in polyiso foam STIFERITE Class SK 120 mm thick
Insulation of attic flooring with polyiso foam panels: STIFERITE GT 60 mm thick

Location: Imola (BO), Italy
Effedue srl – Imola, Italy
Architectural Design and Generale Direction:
Arch. Antonio Gasparri e Arch. Andrea Ricci Bitti - A2 studio Gasparri and Ricci Bitti Architetti Associati
Project and D.L. of structure:
Ing. Antonio Tassinari - Studio Tassinari Associati
Design and D.L. mechanical plans:
P.I. Roberto Ricci - Studio Grandi Progetti
Design and D.L. of electrical plans:
P.I. Umberto Branchini - Studio Grandi Progetti
STIFERITE GT is a high performance insulation board manufactured from CFC or HCFC free closed cell Polyiso (PIR) rigid foam, covered on both sides with a special facer named Duotwin®., permeable to vapour and impermeable to the expending blowing agents.
Location : Capena (RM), Italy
Mercedes Benz Italia
Pras Srl - Largo dei Lombardi - Roma, Italy
Installation company:
Manutenzioni Generali Srl - Via Passo della Lepre, 3 - Capena (Roma)
Production site supervisor:
Antonio and Leonardo Montesanti.
Thermal insulation: Stiferite Class B 80 mm thick
Surface area: 11.000 m2

Location : Trento, Italy
Definition of project:
Groups: Ishimoto Architectural & Engineering Firm, Inc. - Tokio (group leader), Ishimoto Europe S.r.l. - Milano, Italy Tekne S.p.a. - Milano, Italy Corbellini S.r.l. – Milano, Italy
Project executive:
Architettonico: Arteco Srl – Verona, Italy
Installation company:
Impresa Maltauro SpA – Vicenza, Italy
Total amount of insulation and thickness used:
Ventilated Facade ca. 4000 m2 - Stiferite Class S and Class B 70 mm
Roof ca. 6000 m2- Stiferite Class B 100 mm
ocalità: Trento

Location : Bolzano, Italy
Property and installation company:
HABITAT Via Roen Bolzano, Italy
Architects Cappuccio - Donato - Macchi Cassia
Dott. Eng. Domenico Frangipane
Thermal calculations:
Eng. Marina Bolzan (Studio Bolzan Biasi Associati)
Installer of ETICSystem: ISOLEUR Di Pederiva Roberto Supplier of package: BAUSTOFF + METALL Srl Bolzano, Italy
STIFERITE CLASS SK 120 mm thick External surface area: 45.000sqm Proprietà e Impresa
HABITAT – Via Roen Bolzano