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You are here: Building Insulation - Floors -Pavements between each floor

Technical Specifications

  • Lay down STIFERITE's GT panel
    (alternative: STIFERITE Class S - STIFERITE GTE)
  • Vertical separator made of closed cells expanded polyethylene, 5-10mm thick, installed on the parameter and on the base of the elements in elevation.
  • Cement floor slab
Instructions and Guidelines

Indispensible for completing self-controlled heating systems
The Italian legislative norm DLgs.311 sets the maximum heat transfer of partition walls/floors of each apartment at 0,8 W/m²K. 
This  application allows the use of “floating” pavement, capable of attenuating foot noise, and the impact of sound from percussions. Also, folding the separating material (closed cells expanded polyethylene 5-10mm thick) vertically up to the base boards of a unit, may further insulate acoustically. 

Also see: the installation procedure

The tables indicate the suggested thickness of Stiferite’s panels based on

  • Climate Zones
  • Current legislative set limits of thermal transmittance
  • And the following composition of the structure:

Per ottenere un valore di trasmittanza termica U < 0,8 W/m²K sono sufficienti pannelli STIFERITE GT o STIFERITE Class S o STIFERITE GTE con 2 cm di spessore

Note: For different composition of structures or material, we suggest using the calculation program available online (see: Thermal transmittance and verifications of condensation with Glaser method)



Tie point of wall and in-between floors slab with floor covering


Tie point of wall and floor slab with flat marking element