Usage Terms and Conditions


Access to the present website and its use is subject to the following conditions. If you intend to continue to browse, you must  agree to comply by the following terms and conditions of use. If you disagree with any of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website. This website was developed by STIFERITE SpA a socio unico (hereby referred to STIFERITE SpA a socio unico). STIFERITE SpA a socio unico reserves the right to modify or cancel all or part of this website and/or the Usage Terms and Conditions as we could report the above mentioned modification at our discretion and without advance notice; meanwhile every time you visit this site, you may want to visualize again such conditions as to verify of any new changes or amendments.


Cease of right to use and related benefits

All documents and illustrations published on this website are exclusive property of STIFERITE SpA a socio unico.

The user may utilize such pages on the following conditions:

  •     Reproduction is permitted only if the copyright wording appears on every page.
  •     The content of the pages is for the viewer’s general information and use only.
  •     The information or material may not  be commercially used.
  •     The information may not be modified in any way.
  •     The illustrations in the website may be used ONLY in combination with the accompanying text.



All product names reported on this website are STIFERITE SpA a socio unico trademarks or its affiliates, licensors or partners of joint venture. Unauthorized use of these trademarks is strictly prohibited and will constitute a copyright violation of the legislative matter of trademarks or other industrial rights.



STIFERITE SpA a socio unico, has compiled the detailed information on this website from internal and external sources to the best of their knowledge, using professional diligence. We will continuosly try to expand and update this line of information. The objective of the information on this website is purely to present STIFERITE SpA a socio unico and its products and services. Yet, we make no representation  or give any guarantee to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in the website. We ask you to please consider that this information, although accurate on the date it was published, may not be updated.

Therefore, we recommend checking any information obtained from this website before its use in whatever form. The opinions given on this  website does not exempt the viewer to conduct its own verification of the recommendations given on our products, and especially our safety and technical data sheets, with an eye toward their adequacy to the project and its planned purpose.  If you need a suggestion or need to  receive instructions on any of our products or services, please contact us directly.  The users of this website agree to access this website and its content entirely at their own risk. Nor STIFERITE SpA a socio unico, or any third parties involved in the writing, producing or transmitting of this website, may be held responsible for damages or illiegal acts resulting from the access or the impossibility of access or the impossibiity of use of this website or to have relied on the information provided in this website.


Third parties website (s)/Links

The website contains links/reference to third parties websites. Supplying such links, STIFERITE does not give relative approval to their content. Stiferite does not take any responsibility to the availability or content of such websites or damage or illegal acts resulting from the use of such content in whatever form.  STIFERITE SpA a socio unico does not guarantee the conformity of the information given on the connected pages. The connections or links to other websites are supplied to the website user only for the sake of convenience.  The users access such websites on their own risk.  The choice of links does not limit the user to the consultation of the web pages desired.


Data supplied by user

The website user is responsible for the content and truthfullness of the information voluntarily entered and sent to the email addesses that can be found therein, as well as eventual violation of third party rights.

Moreover, sending an email involves the acquisition of the sender’s email, mandatory for compliance to the requests received, and also personal data shown on the message itself.

Therefore, STIFERITE SpA a socio unico, in order to fulfill the obligations required by the Italian Article 13 and 23 of the protection Code regarding personal data, governed by D.lgs n.196/2003, predisposes the information and at the same the request of consent, needed for the completetion of the treatment of personal data, for the Web users interested in this service.


International Users

Stiferite does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this site also outside of Italy, and in particular, that the products and services are available in the same appearance, format or conditions. The user agrees to respect the related laws regarding the transmission of data from the country of residence. If you visit the site or download information from a place outside of Italy, please note that it is your responsibility to  comply to the local  legislative norms.

Products mentioned in this website may have different packaging, dimensions, markings  and wording depending on the country.



The user needs to protect its own access information (ID and Password) from any unauthorized third party and be sure not to be used by anyone without the user’s consent.

The user agrees to immediately notify STIFERITE SpA a socio unico:

  •     Any violation of the security norms in regards to the information available on the website STIFERITE SpA a socio unico;
  •     Unauthorized use from a user access information or eventual suspect that such unauthorized access can occur


Applicable norms and jurisdiction

Whatever dispute arising or connected to or relative to this website will be subject to the laws of the Republic of Italy, except for what is required by the International right to privacy and the Aia Convention in regards to the Law on the Uniformity of International Sales of Goods dated 1 July 1964 as well as the Convention of sales of the United Nations dated 11th of  April 1980. For every dispute it will be in the exclusive jurisdiction of the Bar of Padova.


Declarations of  Forecasts

This website may contain forecasts declarations founded on current expectations and estimations  of Stiferite’s Srl Management. Because of various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, actual results, the financial situation, trends or the performance of the company may differ substantially from the estimates provided here. These factors include those described in the public reports prepared by us, available on the STIFERITE SpA a socio unico website at: The company will not make any effort  to complete or update such forecasts declarations or otherwise modify them on the basis of events or future trends.


Contacts: For questions and/or comments pertaining to this website, contact us at:



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© Stiferite SpA a socio unico - Viale Navigazione Interna 54/5 - 35129 Padova

P.IVA 03647120280 - REA PD 325913 - Cap. Soc. € 7.737.000 i.v.